Friday, December 3, 2010

Discovering Homeschooling

So here I am....blogging!  Something that I never thought that I would do!! Well.....apparently I am doing many things lately that I never thought I'd do.  -- I am a Mother, a Stay at home Mom, I have a home day care (I never thought I could ever stay at home. Now I wouldn't change it for the world.), and now, I have decided to Homeschool my Children - My Son who is 5 (almost 6) and my Daughter who is almost 2.

I have to admit, when I first heard of homeschooling, I was ignorant to it.  I thought that it was "silly" for lack of a better term.  Then my Sister, who homeschools her 3 Girls, my nieces, told me so much about it and continues to.  She gave me insight to a world I knew nothing of.  And let me tell you, I am SO happy she did.

I still feel as though that I am in the dark, and to be honest with you, I know I am, to homeschooling.  But I have started my research, I am reading some fabulous books and with only that little information I have explored, I feel comfortable enough to make this decision.  I have much more to read.....learn and do.  But in life I have learned to follow my gut instinct and this time is one that I will listen right away.  As I continue on my path of learning more about homeschooling and "unschooling" the light will get brighter.  I look forward to "blogging" about how I feel about our Homeschooling experience and the actual School System itself. 

One quote that struck me today - "What is most important and valuable about the home as a base for children's growth into the world is not that it is a better school than the schools, but that it isn't a school at all." - John Holt

I am scared, nervous and excited all at the same time!  I will blog our Journey, our ups and downs and of just our everyday life.  I am moved to tears at what I have in front of me.  I feel as though I am the "richest" woman in this world!  Does it get any better than this?  :o)

Off I go to read some more and feel at peace with my decision.

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