Thursday, December 9, 2010

Snowflakes & Turtles

Today was our first homeschool lesson SUCCESS and Krystian didn't even know it!!!  :o)

This afternoon after a full morning of relaxed free play, I got all of my daycare kids together as well as my own and we made homemade snowflakes!  Well, as we were making them I explained that in nature, no 2 snowflakes are the same.  And away we went talking about snowflakes, taking a look at how cutting differently makes different patterns, oops--we cut too much on that one and now it's in a few pieces, but hey, we learned what not to do and how that was totally OK.  What I felt was our first real step to the "Interest-Initiated or Unschooling" style of Homeschooling was absolutely amazing!  Krystian spent 2 hours on just really enjoying making the snowflakes and seeing each and every different one emerge and be proud to show it off!  I can't remember the last time he spent so much time on one thing.  He felt so good and had so much know what.....I did too!  You show me what "school" would have allowed all of that to take place, especially allowing him to spend all that time on crafting.

Then tonight at the dinner table, Krystian had mentioned that he had asked Santa, when his Dad took him to see Santa last weekend, for a Chihuahua.  I asked him why when we have 2 Cocker Spaniels here......His answer was that he wanted his own pet to take care of, and a little friend.  So we went on to talk about any other pet than a dog, what would he choose.  He then decided he absolutely wanted a Turtle and he even had a name picked out.  I proceeded to phone my Sister, who also homeschools and has been doing so for 3 years, and asked her about what a turtle would need if we were to get him one (her Hubby really enjoys turtles and I thought who better to ask then them).  She advised me that this is the perfect situation to turn into a homeschooling "lesson"  we talked further about the how's and she's right, it WAS perfect!!  (Remember, I am a total newbie at this homeschooling so my mindframe is still in the early adjustment stage, with time, I should be able to do the same as she did) I sat down with Krystian and let him know that if we were even going to consider it, then we need to do research and find out about what they eat, what they need to be cared for as pets, etc.  He chose to do the research right away with me instead of waiting until tomorrow.  So off we went and researched for about an hour - there was no way I was saying no to that!  No mention of actual "schooling" involved, but he sure learned about them and showed excitement in learning.  We took his interest and ran with it.  He learned more today than he would have this whole week in half day Senior Kindergarden!!  WOOOO HOOOO for us, but Him mostly!!!!

I started the day, the same as the past week, still excited about our new lifestyle and venture, but end the day feeling even better at what we have accomplished today!  Prooving even more, that this was the best decision for us!

I'll admit......I may have even homeschooled myself in learning more about turtles than I ever thought that I would.....   ;o)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! For homeschooling! I would totally homes chool if my ex was in accordance :) Good for you!
    I look forward to reading more of your experiences as you bumble along this great journey!
    Annie Bananie
